Artigos máis recentes de

José Luis Estévez

ODS-Protein, moving towards the food of the future

Innovation in the food sector has a wide horizon for growth and the start-up from Vigo ODS-Protein is developing a project focused on enriching...

3eData, new technologies to obtain complete information about the territory

The start-up from Lugo takes advantage of drones and Big Data in the design of new tools for the agroforestry sector

Asuque, sum of talent to take advantage of food waste

Chef Javier Olleros participates in a project that is committed to collaboration between professionals from different sectors

Hermes Smart Control, innovative logistics for the industrial sector

The BFAuto (Business Factory Auto) accelerator, promoted by the Xunta through the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN), the Galician Institute for Economic Promotion (Igape) together...

PhotoIlike, the artificial intelligence that helps to sell

Applying artificial intelligence to create more attractive ads is the core of PhotoIlike's business, a spin-off company that was born within the Citic (Research...

Innogando, the new livestock is here

Innogando, company from Lugo, is a good example of how new technologies can be very useful to solve problems in the livestock sector, despite...

Envita, life stories to improve the care of the elderly

The experience in the management of centers for the elderly in various parts of the province of Pontevedra is the basis of the Envita...

NutriGen 4.0, a bet towards healthy eating based on innovation

The company Hifas da Terra and the business organization of the canning sector Anfaco-Cecopesca collaborate in the NutriGen 4.0 project that aims to develop...

Celtarys, biochemistry at the service of new drug discovery

Celtarys, spin-off of the University of Santiago (USC), was born three years ago at the initiative of the professor of the Faculty of Chemistry...

Freshcut, a commitment to healthy eating and social integration

The request of a hospital for a type of healthy food for its patients is at the origin of the birth of Freshcut...
268 Articles written