The patient will not notice it while walking, sleeping or having a coffee, but a small device of eight centimeters and two electrodes attached to the skin of the chest is monitoring the heart second by second and, if there is any incident in the heart rate your doctor will receive an excerpt from the resulting electrocardiogram in real time. The sensor, part of the e-Heart project developed by CONEXIONA Telecom in Orense, has the power to cause an instant alarm in case of atrial fibrillation, a heart disorder sometimes asymptomatic but capable of causing the patient a massive stroke. It is a quick reaction to a difficult problem to detect and no solution yet on the market, since other available monitoring options work as mere recorders and they are only analyzed after the fact.
CONEXIONA Telecom Firm, based in the Technology Park of Galicia-Tecnópole in San Cibrao das Viñas, leads the consortium of six companies: Optare, Quobis, Hacce, Tecsoftcom and Gradiant and Hospital Complex Foundation in Coruña that made possible the prototype e-Heart. Wireless and with a single branch, so little intrusive, the sensor can collect vital data on the behavior of the heart and transmit them to cardiologist in case of trouble. “It is connected via Bluetooth to a smartphone and our application analyses the data and interprets the complex QRS that measure if there is an arrhythmia with atrial fibrillation”, explains Carlos Sande, biologist and research director by CONEXIONA, founded in 2006 and specialized in development and solutions JAVA for tools that like this one works in real time. A telephone application and a medical management platform are able to do the rest: ask the patient for his symptoms, extract data from the anomaly, send them to a cloud system and the doctor will be informed quickly.
e-Heart is connected via Bluetooth to a smartphone
“It allows the patient wear it until fibrillation is found. The idea is to prevent. Knowing whether the problem exists or discard it” says Sande. The tool uses a system of WebRTC, which streamlines communication between doctor and patient through the browser without downloading software continuously. In addition, e-Heart allows the analysis of collected information and its processing is performed from start to the end in the mobile application, so only abnormal fragments of the electrocardiogram will remain saved.