An Application to Revamp Fairy Tales

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From the cave to the cyberspace, in different shapes and colors, fairy tales have been with us in all cultures and places forever. The narration of tales as Roland Barthes points out in his ‘Introduction to the structural analysis of narratives’, “it all begins with the very same fairy tales of humanity; There has never been a culture without a fairy tale”. However, never before has a fairy tale reached so many people as in the Age of Network Society.

Within this new paradigm, Creappcuentos has developed, an interactive application for tablets, which is designed to create unique animated tales with universal characters and in any language. Pirates, princesses, monsters, aliens, superheroes, robots, dinosaurs and little pigs make up the landscape of this awesome app, and can indeed interface with the user through personalized tales and different scenarios in a very intuitive and simple quirky process for all users.
This application is the first project by Creappcuentos S.L, a Galician startup created by Avelino Correa Márquez and Antonio Escudero Feijoo, who wish to foster and promote creativity, imagination and the learning of languages via children, teachers and parents interfacing with one another. Their slogan is “Create, enjoy and share”.
Creappcuentos-creadores“This app will revolutionize the way we tell, read and look at fairy tales, it will let you create and enjoy unique and diverse tales in a very steady and simple way. You will be able to personalize your own fairy tale and learn different languages too”, the developers say.
The developers of this app are now working on updates, implementing new tools and enhancements. One of these new updates is the possibility of come up with your own puzzle along with the images and scenes, also to deal with animated images and will enable a sort of save command to store it in the cloud. Alternatively, it has a preset parental control, a feature of virtual and augmented reality and even the option to print out the materials. ‘The star feature will be the creation of a real time social network with your stories and a fairy tale library to share with others.’
“This is more than an app, it is an educational tool”, says Avelino Correa.


Storyboards and Illustrations
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7 illustrator visualizers have been in charge from the beginning in the creative process of this project. Their designs and storyboards are countless ranging from titles such as Little Red Hood, Golden Locks, the Three little Pigs or Aladdin, plus robots, monsters, dinosaurs, pirates, to princesses… and the making of story boards, objects, scenarios, scenes, all of it has been inspired by the interfacing of the team with their very own students, parents and teachers.
Creappcuentos is now looking to expand into the Asian continent and hire some native illustrator visualizers from countries like Japan, South Korea, and China.

creappcuentos-aulaCreappcuentos is a free app for iOS and Android devices. The revenue comes from micropayments fueled by little packs of extra features like extra characters and scenes.  So far, they have logged over 22,000 downloads from 70 countries and the app is already being used at over 50 Spanish schools.
‘Our business model is also based on a B2B plan, which consists of packages targeting private companies, public administrations, foundations, NGOs and museums so that we can help them design their advertising or brand awareness campaigns in a very personalized and fun way”, say the developers.


First place in Startup Pirates Vigo. June 2013 • Startup selected for Launchlab business accelerator. June-September 2013 • Second place in Lean Startup Machine Madrid. October 2013 • Finalist in Vindeira Capital Network. November 2013 • Finalist in the first edition of ViaVigo business accelerator. December 2013 • Eganet’s Entrepreneur Award for the Best Galician ICT Project. January 2014 • Most downloaded app in Spain recommended for ages 6-8. February 2014 • Finalist in the Microsoft’s Mobile Acceleration Camp. March 2014 • Finalist in Zinc Shower. June 2014 • Semifinalist in Open Education Challenge. July 2014 • Startup selected for the first edition of Galicia Open Future initiative to boost technological innovation and entrepreneurship. September 2014 – March 2015 • Finalist in Spain Startup. October 2014 • Best Educational App in Simo Educación. October 2014 • Finalist in AppCircus. October 2014 • Startup selected for Dublin Web Summit. November 2014.
Also, The Wall Street Journal chose Creappcuentos as one of the five startups from The Americas and Spain to keep and eye on.


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