Learning On How to Start Your Own Company

Thinking like a real business person is a long shot for some people but that should be encouraged as soon as possible to achieve good results. Beyond getting to becoming acquainted with the tools which one will be able to count on to face the task of starting a business, what make a difference between an entrepreneur and the average business person is to have an open mind and an attitude towards curiosity, which leads them to not be afraid to venture into unknown territory to develop a business idea. Promoting these skills from an early age is fundamental for society to end up benefiting from the wealth and employment generated by this type of people.

Alumnos mostrando os produtos da súa cooperativa
Alumnos mostrando os produtos da súa cooperativa

DepoEmprende na Escola is an ambitious project that tries to implant in the schools the basic ideas that can allow the children of today become the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. And if they do not succeed or simply look for another path, at least they will have a set of tools that will help them achieve their goals in other aspects of their personal and professional life.


Among the objectives of the program are the following:

-To Develop the ability for children to form an adjusted image of their own person, their characteristics and possibilities in relation to their socio-professional environment and carry out activities that promote knowledge of their own interests and motivations.

-To Develop creative capabilities, initiative and entrepreneurial spirit in the development and development of personal training and professionalization strategies, based on knowledge of their own characteristics and potential.

-To Develop the ability to make responsible decisions, resulting from the contrast between self-knowledge, observation and basic understanding of the socio-economic environment.

-To Develop an attitude of inquiry and curiosity regarding the characteristics and demands of the local and regional socioeconomic environment. In addition to encouraging interest in participating and intervening in the development of this environment with autonomy and a sense of initiative.

-To Develop the ability to obtain, select and interpret information, and use it autonomously and critically according to the purpose pursued and to be able to communicate it to others in an organized manner.

-To Know the rules of group operation and develop habits of entrepreneurial awareness, referred to the company or another type of association.

-To Start in the identification and knowledge of the elements and basic principles of the implementation of a project.

These objectives will be accomplished with the creation of cooperatives by the 5th and 6th grade Primary and Special Education students from different schools in the region. During the 2016-17 academic year, a total of 11 cooperatives have been created and the participants in the project have been able so far to showcase their products in a final event that took place in the capital of Pontevedra at the end of the school term.


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