In Boqueixón, not far from Santiago, an ‘army’ of veterinarians have allied themselves with new technologies with a clear objective: to improve the quality of milk we drink through animal welfare. They have their headquarters in PSVet, in the Segurde industrial estate and have dedicated the last seven years to introducing R&D in the dairy sector with a well-honed objective: ‘our value proposition is to improve the food safety of milk’ , and thus contribute to improving a sector with a great specific weight in Galician primary.
“Since 2015 we have been working on the continuous improvement of milk. We guarantee a safe consumer product through responsible and efficient production systems. We use advanced technology with real-time data management, which allows us to have more precision in decision-making and anticipate problems”, explains Iván Cid, general director of PSVet. “In agricultural and livestock farms there is nothing that allows us to differentiate the best milk from that with lower quality because it would mean a very expensive investment in digitization.”
Real-time data
He says that one of the purposes that gave rise to the company was precisely the need to develop a device to control the entire process of storage and conservation of milk in the refrigerated tanks of livestock farms in order to guarantee the control and quality before collection and transfer to the factory in tank trucks.
They looked for a way to record all this information in the cloud, monitor it and process it in real time. That germinal idea gave rise to a company: Psvet, and to a new milk management model 4.0 that pays attention to animal health and well-being, both individually and in the herd, as a formula to ensure product quality.
The company carries out the digitized management of all the data that it has collected in real time on the farms and dairy farms of its clients through the so-called Operating Groups. These analyze parameters such as temperature, humidity, circuit washing and sanitizing, motor operation (running or not), detect anomalies and anticipate the problem. The data will be received by a microcontroller at the source through different types of sensors that emit the data of the industrial processes. At the same time, everything is recorded in a database and stored in the cloud, which allows the statistics of the entire process to be traced through a pocket app or an application on the desktop of the computer that can be consulted by farmers and livestock, in addition to the veterinary team.
The creation of these Operational Groups was one of the key tools in the execution of the 2014-2020 National Rural Development Program in terms of productive and sustainable agriculture to promote innovation in the agri-food and forestry sectors. PSvet’s work and its commitment to innovate in control and quality in the dairy sector have earned it various European aid in innovation and rural agricultural development through the EAFRD and Feder Funds, for regional development through InnovaPeme 2021, and they have the support of the Xunta de Galicia, through the Galician Innovation Agency. In addition, they are part of the Conecta hubs —collaborative projects in digital innovation—, and participate in the MilkChain or dairy chain project, of Digital Certification of Traceability through facilitating tools in the value chain of the dairy industry, led by Grupo Leche Río.