Netex: a digital educational and job training factory 

bandera-galiciaGalego bandera-esEspañol

Spain, UK, India, Mexico and coming soon to the USA. The Galician company Netex is now gaining a piece of the international digital pie with its new training apps. And it’s doing it with the back up of the Spanish departments of commerce and trade. The company just recently has swept an award as the most innovative PYME (stand for small and medium sized company in Spain). The key to its success is due to the forward thinking of ever innovating, creating new apps and recruiting talent.

Parte del equipo de Netex encargado de la digitalización de contenidos
The team responsible for digitalization.

Netex offers solutions to companies publishers and educational institutions worldwide. This includes mobile training apps and platforms to help train company associates and workers (face to face, online and blended), solutions related to digital content, customised catalogues and authored tools for self publishing. Its portfolio is vast and includes the work of consultants, instructional and graphic designers or engineers. The company has also raked several awards that acknowledge its long standing innovative record. They develop all apps and digital content from their headquarters in Galicia together with its partners in Sweden, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Australia or Uruguay. A milestone for Netex has been the international award won at the  prestigious  Learning Awards by the Learning and Performance Institute, as a runner up within the “E-learning supplier of the year 2015″. Also we must mention the worthy bronze award won as “ e-learning developers of the year 2014”.
Likewise, the educational platform developed by Netex has hit it off also with renown Spanish publishers like the one with the UNO system –a collaborative effort with Santillana publishers. UNO has reached a whooping figure of 1 million users in South America.
learningMaker NetexIn the scope of training companies, Netex offers a LearningCloud solution, a management platform called LMS (Learning Management System) with a plethora of apps in the CLoud for organisations with need in L&D (Learning & Development), it helps manage knowledge generated in a unique virtual environment, fostering collaboration via corporate social networks and using tools for the creation and management of multi device management accessible online y offline.
Likewise, the foundation of the company lies on the successful LearningCoffee, a content solution of customised catalogues based on soft-skills with over 200 titles.

New ways of innovation

Within the Big Data and Learning Analytics fields, Netex has been developing the new ‘T-Didacta’, project which attempts to solve all the issues coming from mobile devices like tablets and learning digital environments in classrooms.
Regarding the Artificial Intelligence“the progress comes from the latter”, that is to say, “intelligence applied to predicts school failure and how to advise students on contents without the interference of a third party, and also the adaptation based on participation”, says José Ramón Mosteiro, the CTO of Netex.
Lastly, the augmented and virtual reality is one of the fields which is generating most expectations. Mosteiro gives an example: “an application of  PNL with Google Glass, that is able to cut down to zero the fear of public speaking. Seemingly, it does not have a big impact on education but if you have to get up and give a speech based on an end of term student project… This is well proven … It works!”.



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