Venres 19 Abril 2024


The daily consumption of whole grain can improve our lifespan

Eating this type of foods helps reduce the incidence of cancer and heart disease

Pulses are the Most Nutritious Foods and Most Recommended by Health Authorities

These foods, basic in the mediterranean diet, are supposed to be a great source of proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, fiber and vitamins

What is the origin of pulses?

Pulses have been the base food of humans for millenia and together with the evolution of man have marked the way ahead. But, Who...

Antonio de Ron: “We have no industry here to deal with the demand of Galician seeds”

Galician Pulses and Vegetables seeds, on hold for an industry to trade with these types of seeds

Pulses, a superfood which isn´t eaten very often

To increase the daily intake of these types of foods in a healthy manner will help us take advantage of their benefits